DCN - Daniela Spoto 2021, © CCIAA NU

About Us

The Distretto Culturale del Nuorese - DCN is a not-for-profit cultural association comprising a network of institutions and business in the Nuoro region. It was founded to promote the region’s identity and cultural heritage and support the creative industries through intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The Distretto Culturale was established in 2012 by its founding members: Associazione Dialogo e Rinnovamento, Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Nuoro, Confapi Sardegna Nuoro - Ogliastra, Confcommercio ASCOM di Nuoro, Confindustria Sardegna Centrale and ISRE - Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico. Today, the DCN has more than seventy members, including public institutions, associations and businesses, and has become Sardinia’s most important organisation in the culture sector.

Our Work

In order to pursue its goals as an organisation, the DCN focuses in particular on publishing material and promoting the circulation of culture.

– Publishing magazines, bulletins, newspapers, books, pamphlets, conference and seminar proceedings, studies and research, educational material;

– Promoting the circulation of culture including through active, collective participation in events like national and international fairs;

– Circulating the themes that have emerged from our activities through round tables, conventions, conferences, talks, exhibitions, study days, work groups, competitions, awards, seminars, festivals, events, shows and performances, including using new internet and multimedia technologies;

– Showcasing every resource that can be an opportunity for a project, innovation or cultural and publishing classification;

– Offering consulting and opportunities for collaboration to institutions, libraries, associations, private individuals and others with the aim of developing initiatives to support the promotion of culture;

– Serving as a special point of reference and/or service centre for companies, businesses, universities and, in general, public and private institutions relative to its institutional mission;

– Fostering the development of knowledge and culture and the exchange of experiences and ideas through publishing and cultural activities in Italy and abroad and promotion of initiatives oriented towards the in-depth analysis of the statutory aims;

– Organising local cultural initiatives with an eye towards expanding them nationally and internationally;

– Carrying out research and holding courses, events, conferences, debates, exhibitions and seminars of every kind to achieve its goals and spread its aims and research; organising multimedia events, drawing up agreements with public and private institutions for the management of courses and seminars and/or for the supply of services, in the context of its institutional goals;

– Promoting projects aimed towards innovation.

Our Work
Our Work - Daniela Spoto 2023, © CCIAA NU
Statuto - Daniela Spoto 2022, © CCIAA NU


Lo statuto del Distretto Culturale del Nuorese.

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Studio di fattibilità

Lo “Studio di fattibilità del Distretto Culturale del Nuorese” è stato realizzato nel 2015 da un gruppo di lavoro coordinato dal Prof. Francesco Timpano, docente dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza.

Il documento, fornisce una dettagliata chiave di lettura sul contesto territoriale, organizzativo e normativo del Distretto Culturale Nuorese. Infatti, sono stati oggetto di approfondimento, analisi e studio il quadro normativo di riferimento, gli assetti istituzionali e organizzativi, il contesto territoriale, i beni e le attività culturali del territorio, le funzioni e i servizi.

Lo studio di fattibilità è disponibile, nella sua versione di sintesi e slide.

Studio di fattibilità
Studio di fattibilità - Daniela Spoto 2021, © CCIAA NU
Avatar DCN
Avatar DCN - Daniela Spoto 2022, © CCIAA NU


Our members are divided into founding members, ordinary members, honorary members and supporting members.

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Tavolo dei Musei

A special place among the DCN’s cultural organisations is held by the ones that manage museums and archaeological areas in the Nuoro region.

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Tavolo dei Musei
Tavolo dei Musei - Daniela Spoto 2023, © CCIANU