Traditions - Daniela Spoto 2023, © CCIAA NU


At the end of the nineteenth century, Grazia Deledda published Tradizioni popolari di Nuoro in Sardegna (Popular Traditions of Nuoro, Sardinia). More than a century later, a lot has changed, out of a need to adapt to modernity and the contemporary lifestyle. But the language, food, music, crafts and other aspects of local culture have remained, continuing to define this unique, fascinating corner of Italy. Discover it here.


In the Barbagia region, raising livestock, and sheep in particular, has ancient roots and has contributed significantly to the region’s culture and economy for centuries.


Sardinian is a language spoken in Sardinia that belongs to the Romance group of Indo-European languages.


The Nuorese boasts a unique, distinctive craft tradition that reflects the history, culture and identity of its populace.

Myths and legends

The Barbagia region is rich in myths and legends that have been passed down over the centuries. These stories are an integral part of the area’s culture and popular tradition.


Carnival is deep-felt and enthusiastically celebrated in the Nuorese. Almost every town has its own traditional stock character.


Festivals in the Nuorese are a central element of local culture and a special time for celebrating age-old traditions, folklore and religion.


The music of the Barbagia region reflects the history, traditions and emotions of its populace.


Sardinia is the Italian region that has most kept alive its tradition of ethic or local dance, especially in the central part of the island.


Poetry in Sardinia and in the Nuorese in particular has a long rich tradition with roots in antiquity.


Traditional costume is a distinctive element of the area and known for its beauty and variety.


Sardinian cuisine is rooted in the close tie between the island’s agricultural and pastoral economies.


The Nuorese is famous for its wine tradition. Wine production in this area dates back centuries and the region is famous for the cultivation of various native grapes.