Mamoiada, Museo della Cultura e Lavoro
Mamoiada, Museo della Cultura e Lavoro - © CCIAA NU

Museo della Cultura e del Lavoro


The story of the past of the Mamoiada community unfolds in the museum’s rooms, exploring the lifestyle, rhythms and activities of rural life before the arrival of modernity. 

Mamoiada, Museo della Cultura e del Lavoro
Mamoiada, Museo della Cultura e del Lavoro - © Società Cooperativa Viseras

The theme of each room is expressed by the traditional clothing worn during the different phases of traditional life.

There is a strong focus on work, in particular craftwork and agricultural and pastoral activity, offering visitors an excellent introduction to the town’s wine and food offerings.

The museum is currently closed to the public; for information, please inquire at the Museo delle Maschere.


Via Sardegna, 17, 08024 Mamoiada NU, Italia
